Sunday, July 29, 2012

Another Run to Hollywood

Things were produced, selections were made...
the show is Aug. 3rd to Aug. 26th in Los Angeles at the La Luz De Jesus Gallery for myself and seven other jury winners from the March group show .

 Here's the images from my delivery trip on Friday, July 27th. The traffic looks worse than it really was, this was around 11:00 am Friday morning. Things are a little stop and go before the 405 freeway, but everything was moving for the most part.
Here's the neighborhood around the gallery, (from the left) Sweeney Todd's Barber Shop, Ozzie Dots Costume Shop, and La Luz De Jesus Gallery/Soap Plant/Wacko on the end of the block to the right:

A little further down the block

 Mural on a building across the street from the gallery referencing the tsunami in Japan last year in April:

 Here's some of Brad Parker's work that was being shown at the gallery while I was there. His show is over today. His paintings are really spectacular, vivid colors and rich detail- a real Tiki extravaganza. .

 The other artist exhibiting in the front gallery was Miles Thompson. He packs an amazing amount of detail into his work and has a very distinctive style. Here's a few of his illustrations:

I love this one:

 Here's one of my original submissions for the Lalazapalooza Show last March now hanging with three of Scott Hove's "cakes":

And here's some new things hanging In The Hallway area:

(the first 3 are Germs who showed in June)

 Then it was time to head back north... very slowly

 The traffic thins out

 A few random shots (literally; turn camera on, keep watching the road ahead and arbitrarly take a pic every now and again in any direction): 

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